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This is the day you create!

Let your imagination guide you.


I found out recently the suicide right is on the rise again, from veterans to young children. Yes, some young children youngest age was 8 from the last check I made at the beginning of the month. No matter how lost someone is, it is our duty as fellow humans, to help a stranger or even someone you know. We are to lift one another up and support one another, not to smack down one another. we cannot fix anything in this world, because of this and that, petty arguing and even down right hateful acts.

The only thing we can do is change is ourselves, so write down a plan on how you will spend every day of the week; make sure you make time to smile and/or say something nice to at least 10 people. This the started to creating your own day in your own way. List one project that you know you can obtain in that one day or plan out a project list. Never overload yourself, even if people are hounding you they need it in five minutes; pressure is normal through out the day and you do not need to drown in it.

Plan out the project step by step, not on the fly, give yourself some time before the deadline; no procrastination Ladies and Gentlemen. If someone throws a task your way and says you have five minutes to complete it, screw them; yes I said screw them. Some tasks take longer then five minutes to correct, they need to give you extra time or help to complete the task; make sure you politely tell them that. If they threaten your job or you, that is illegal and downright bullying.

So what kind of day do you want and can easily complete on that day or start a project? well write it down, find out what you need and start right there. look at the list and research notes and then plan on how to obtain it; so this is the day you just created. give this a try; write something small you want to do tomorrow. Ask yourself can I do this alone or do you need help, then look to see if you have to pick up supplies for a project, then start the task sheet for tomorrow. If you start with saying hi to some random stranger, that only cost one to three sections of your time. do this even if they did not say hi back, repeat up to 10 times a day.

Most important thing is everyday find something nice to say to yourself to boost your happiness. example, a pair of jean that you have on worn in a while, if they still fit or loose; pat yourself on the back and praise yourself out loud. I know it has put a smile on my face and heart in the past and it is free! If not throw them in the donation pile and move on; time for new pants.

sounds simple but sometimes is is hard to move on because of our fear of the unknown and how others see us. so use stick notes on the mirror with inspirational quotes or something nice you want to tell yourself when you wash your face, fixing your makeup etc. Sticky notes 1.00 at the dollar tree and you get a lot of sticky notes for that price.

So have fun and do not stress yourself out, things will improve if you let it.


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